Late Registering for Kickball












Pillow Polo

Providence, Rhode Island

Rhode Island Pillow Polo

Stop right there.  Before we go any further.  Let’s make sure we are all on the same page….SFAC Pillow Polo is as silly as it gets!  While there are plenty of other SFAC social sports to play in Rhode Island, there are none sillier than Pillow Polo.  When asked “Why is Pillow Polo so exhausting?” the answer is “because of all the giggling.”  We aren’t kidding.  You will be out of breath from laughing so much.

Like all things SFAC, Pillow Polo shouldn’t be taken too seriously.  And that shouldn’t be a problem at all.  Pillow Polo isn’t offered as a competitive sport growing up, so nobody has a competitive background in Pillow Polo.  However, the game does appeal to field hockey, hockey, broom ball, soccer players and most of all, people that just want to get silly and run around for awhile.

What IS Pillow Polo?

Pillow Polo is a game played similar to field hockey.  Two teams play against each other.  The game is won by scoring more goals than your opponent.  Scoring a goal is achieved in a similar fashion to a goal in soccer or field hockey – by putting the ball into your opponents’ net.  Players use a giant Q-Tip to hit the ball.  Players are not allowed to use their hands to hit the ball.  Players may use their bodies and feet to stop the ball, but are not allowed to kick the ball (ie players can stop a ball with their feet, but then must hit it with their Q-Tip).

Like everything in SFAC, if you are a try hard or you care too much, please go somewhere else!  We are playing a game called “Pillow Polo” and you’re an adult.  That should be all we ever need to say.

SFAC Pillow Polo League Play Format:

  • Rosters of 10-12
  • Teams are Co-ed
  • Games are 2 halves
  • Team with the higher score wins 😛

The Super Fun Activities Club is a sports and social club that brings fun people together around sporting and social events.  We are anew and fun way to network and interact with friends and future friends while getting exercise.  SFAC offers dodgeball, volleyball, GLOW In The Dark Sports, flag football, kickball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, softball and many more sports.  SFAC hosts Adult Egg Hunts, Sunday FUNday Beach Parties with Beach Dodgeball Tournaments, NERF Wars, Pumpkinpalooza, Lazer Tag, and Chubby Bunny Food Tastings.  SFAC also attends concerts, comedy shows, wineries, breweries and more.  Haven’t joined SFAC yet, what are you waiting for?  Start having more fun today!

Rhode Island Pillow Polo Pics:



Week Day:
