Late Registering for Soccer & Kickball








GLOW Dodgeball

Providence, Rhode Island

GLOW DODGEBALLGlow Dodgeball - SFAC Dodgeball

GLOW Dodgeball is just one of the many forms of dodgeball that SFAC brings to you!  While SFAC considers dodgeball to be one of the most fun games on the planet, we can’t limit ourselves to just one form of this amazing game.  That is why we play Glow dodgeball, trampoline dodgeball, beach dodgeball, Japanese dodgeball, and dodgeball dodgeball.  If there are any other forms of dodgeball that are out there, we’d love to try them too!

While SFAC runs our own Glow dodgeball events and parties, we’d also love to throw a Glow event for you too!  Contact SFAC today for a private Glow event, corporate function, fundraiser or anything else you would like to make more fun.  And we aren’t limited to Glow dodgeball, we also are fully equipped to run Glow volleyball and Glow kickball events as well.  It definitely is true that everything is more fun while glowing in the dark!

While we highly recommend that participants wear fun clothing that glows in the dark, if your closets are fresh out of rad fluorescent colors from the 80s, SFAC provides vests that glow in the dark.  Everyone needs to be wearing something that glows so your teammates and opponents can see you.  Blending into the darkness is unfair camouflage!

Whether you are anywhere in Rhode Island, or nearby Massachusetts or Connecticut, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Super Fun Activities Club to start having more Fun today!

The Super Fun Activities Club is a sports and social club that brings fun people together around sporting and social events.  We are a new and fun way to network and interact with friends and future friends while getting exercise.  SFAC offers dodgeball, volleyball, GLOW In The Dark Sports, flag football, kickball, soccer, ultimate frisbee and many more sports.  SFAC hosts Adult Egg Hunts, Sunday FUNday Beach Parties with Beach Dodgeball Tournaments, Pumpkinpalooza, Lazer Tag, and Chubby Bunny Food Tastings.  SFAC also attends concerts, comedy shows, wineries, breweries and more.  Haven’t joined SFAC yet, what are you waiting for?  Start having more fun today!

GLOW Dodgeball – For Fun People Only!