Indoor Spring Sports Are Registering








Wednesday Volleyball – 2022 Indoor Spring

SFAC Dodgeball Rhode Island

Rhode Island Volleyball

Welcome to SFAC Volleyball!  Our rules encourage sportsmanship, fair play, competition and most of all, fun!  We don’t separate groups by skill level.  We welcome everyone!  Our fundamental requirement is simply to be good humans and treat teammates and opponents with respect.  Members of all genders are welcomed on the court in all SFAC Volleyball leagues.  If you’re a high level player, work on your skills and just don’t smash the ball off of a newer player’s face.  You know, just be a decent human.  When matched up with someone of similar skill level, hit away!  If you’re on the newer side, this is a great welcoming group. SFAC volleyball is all about dancing to music, laughing, giving high fives and having fun all night.  If you are a socially/emotionally immature person and have a tendency to lose your shit over a bad call, go play somewhere else.  No hard feelings, you just won’t fit in at SFAC Volleyball.  We are For Fun People Only, and we mean it!  This IS Super Fun Volleyball.

We have players that played in college.  We have players stepping onto the court for the first time.  And every skill level in between.  The common thread between everyone is that we’re all nice humans just getting some physical exercise while enjoying healthy social interaction.  If you think you’re a strong player, don’t worry, you won’t be the best player there.  And if you’re brand new, you won’t be the worst!  Just bring a good attitude, enjoy some healthy competition, and make some new friends.

  • If you have an entire team (at least 8 players), email us about registering in one transaction

Volleyball League Play Format:

  • 6 v 6 (can play with fewer if you desire)
  • Play is open to all genders
  • Rally scoring to 25
  • Must win by 2 points, or get to 30
  • Team with 2 wins or leading when time runs out is the winner

All registrations are final sales.  There are no refunds given under any circumstance.  Indoor sports for 2022 will not have team shirts in order to help keep activities more affordable.

Season Details

Team Cost:

Registration Deadline:
League is Sold Out

Pawtucket YMCA
20 Summer Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860


Game Days: Wednesday
Start Date: 3/16
End Date: 4/27
Game Times: 6:30 – 9:00
