Rhode Island Dodgeball


Name of Event:  Adult Dodgeball Leagues

Town:  Providence, RI / Pawtucket, RI

Date:  Year Round

Description:  The Super Fun Activities Club runs multiple adult dodgeball leagues in Rhode Island throughout the year.


Did you just move to Rhode Island?  Looking to meet new people?  How about just simply expanding your social circle and making some new contacts?  Need to get more exercise, but hate treadmills?  Thinking about doing some informal networking?  Tired of online dating, but still holding out hope for meeting somebody “normal and fun?”  There are plenty of reasons that people are looking to do something different in their lives.  The Super Fun Activities Club offers up some fantastic solutions to all of these situations.  One of these happens to be adult dodgeball.  Yep, you read that right, adult dodgeball.  We kid you not!Adult Dodgeball in Rhode Island

With over 100 active adult dodgeball players that participate at least once a week, SFAC is the place to be for Rhode Island dodgeball enthusiasts.  While there are several dodgeball options in the area, there’s only one place to play if you’re honest and want to be social.  If you’re looking to be a super competitive jerk, we have some great news!  There are other places that would love to have you 🙂  Unfortunately, you won’t fit in and won’t be welcome at SFAC if you are a competitive tool bag.  However, if you are honest, fair, fun & social, SFAC is the place to be for adult dodgeball players!

What makes SFAC the best place to play adult dodgeball in Rhode Island?

We operate solely on the honor system!  If you try to cheat, your peers will dislike you.  You will be asked to leave.  Since the main goal of everyone there is to play games and make new friends, cheating is counterproductive.  If people end up disliking you, it defeats the whole point.  The culture of SFAC dodgeball is so silly and honest, it’s like dodgeball Heaven for the right people.  And if you’re not the “right people,” we don’t want you anyway 😉

Rhode Island Adult Dodgeball Short JortsWe focus on the social nature of the game.  Every league we run is sponsored by a bar.  Many players head out after the games to play bar games, enjoy discounted food and drinks, and interact with teammates and opponents alike.  At the bar is where the real winning takes place!

SFAC offers adult dodgeball leagues year round.  With four seasons a year, SFAC runs multiple indoor leagues, as well as outdoor beach leagues.  As if that wasn’t enough, SFAC runs GLOW In The Dark Dodgeball, corporate dodgeball events and dodgeball fundraisers.  No matter when you find SFAC, it’s always the right time to get involved!  We constantly have adult dodgeball seasons underway or about to start.  Are we half way through a season, join us midseason at a prorated rate!  It’s ALWAYS the right time to get involved in SFAC Dodgeball.

Unlike all the other dodgeball options in the marketplace, SFAC offers so much more than just 45 minutes of dodgeball.  Like all other leagues, you get your “competitive” portion of the night where you play your scheduled games.  But unlike every other organization, the scheduled games are simply a small portion of the night.  We play multiple forms of dodgeball with combined and mixed teams every night.  All In dodgeball, Free Lasky Dodgeball, Japanese Dodgeball, Two Ball ScrewBall, and Cone Ball are just some of the examples of all the extras you get when you play in SFAC.  All of our games are designed to be social and to increase social interaction between teammates and opponents alike.  Ever witness a self proclaimed “social” league where the blue team only hangs with the blue team and the red team only associates with the red team etc?  Well that crap doesn’t exist Adult Dodgeball Providence Rhode Islandin SFAC!  We are For Fun People Only and we mean it.  A typical SFAC Adult Dodgeball after party has players wearing shirts from all the different teams interacting and laughing with one another.  It’s not rocket science, it’s just a matter of having fun people.  People that understand we are adults playing a children’s game.  The outcome doesn’t matter.  The friends you make matter 🙂

If you’ve read all this, and you think it sounds awesome, you’re right.  It is awesome!  Now come get involved.  Your first night is free!  If you’ve made it this far, and think this sounds lame and for losers, you’re right!  You won’t fit in.  So go play somewhere else.  We promise we won’t miss you 😉

SFAC Dodgeball is For Fun People Only and we promise to keep it that way.

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